
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

About Me

From a very young age, at a time when my brain was still learning how to store memories, I've always loved ramen. As a second generation Japanese-American who grew up frequenting Japan with family, I soon developed a love that would one day encapsulate my wildest dreams.

I began this blog around the same time the world of subprime mortgages imploded. Needless to say, I was in that world when it all came crashing down. What started out as a hobby, quickly turned into an obsession. And with that obsession came a passion that currently drives my ramen dream.

I'd say that this is more than just a ramen blog only because it is now like an everyday journal of my life in Japan centered around ramen. So if you have the patience to follow my idiosyncratic posting style or if you're just here to look at pictures, I welcome you to my ramen soup-opera. Hopefully I don't waste too much of your time.

Thank you for letting me slurp!

Go Ramen! Go Life!


  1. Konnichiwa I love your Ramen and Your Resturant and Your Blog

    aimasho! Your Friend Ghandy!

  2. I really enjoyed your posts

  3. Where can you purchase the GOOTA series ramen?

  4. From the short film, I wonder if you could make a Ramen cookbook to end all Ramen cookbooks

  5. If you wish to visit toronto, and ramen taste everywhere,i would be delighted to host you. By the way, i am the owner of the cookbook store in toronto.

    Josh josephson

  6. Have you checked out Aroma's coffee ramen in Ohanajaya, Katsushika-ku? (http://collaterallettuce.com/2013/06/10/coffee-ramen/) It was quite a treat...that it was closed the first day I tried going. Kiwi, gouda and salami sound like good times?

    Also, where in NY will your restaurant be opening? Even though I'm in SE Asia every now and then, I'm back in NY a lot too.


  7. Love what your doing man! .. Just caught you on Vice munchies http://www.vice.com/en_ca/munchies/drunk-chefs-made-us-ramen-burgers-in-tokyo
    and was wondering who makes the fruit of our labour tshirt? Any help would be appreciated?

  8. Just heard about you from a story on the FoxNews site, and wanted to wish you well in your Ramen Burger venture, and to offer a couple of suggestions.

    1) Make a version that uses a veggie burger (NOT a big shroom!) for vegetarians/vegans to try.

    2) I bring this up because many vegetarians enjoy Ramen noodles, BUT,...and here's the part where you can help and maybe benefit with your love for Ramen:

    Pretty much all brands of Ramen found at regular grocery stores contain some form of meat by-product, and if one travels to the large Asian supermarket like I do, you find about 200 brands of Ramen that all have ingredient lists in 2-point type (and usually on foil!) that are almost impossible to read.

    SO...if some serious Ramen enthusiast were to put together a detailed and thorough list of which brands offer noodles (and the flavors of same) that are vegetarian/vegan friendly, it would be of great service to vegetarians/vegans, AND it would do an awful lot to spreading the love of Ramen around by the many people it draw to (or draw back to) the noodle.

  9. Chef Keizo Shimamoto!

    Here's a great photo of you at Seal Beach working it! https://www.facebook.com/JapaneseCity

    Tried your Ramen Burger at the Kite Festival: http://www.japanese-city.com/calendar/events/index.php?eID=31362

  10. Hi, where can we get a taste of your ramen burger? We just arrive New York all the way from Asia
