
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A week in...

Day 527:

It's already been a week since I started Nakamuraya and it's much better than I imagined it to be. This opportunity has definitely been a blessing and a dream come true.

After visiting the shoyu factory yesterday, I have a new appreciation for this shoyu ramen. My love for shoyu ramen has reached new heights. Heights higher than ramen heaven.

So with this new appreciation for shoyu, I had a craving for the Toyama Black.

From what I remember, this was a deep shoyu ramen with punch.

But the Ebina branch seemed to be missing that punch.

It tasted a bit watered down.

This ramen could have used some Amano shoyu.

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