
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Day 16:

It can't be helped...

Some customers came in today after having one too many drinks and they began acting really obnoxious. Sometimes this can get a little annoying, but here in Japan you just have to accept it. When someone does something because they were drunk, people usually just shrug it off and say that it can't be helped. Basically, you can pretty much be forgiven for anything that you do in an intoxicated state as long as you're not committing a crime. I love this country! Haha.

As far as my training is concerned, I'm just entering my third week and I've already learned so much! 仕込み (preparation) is full of long hours and hard work, but it is すごい楽しい!

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