Let me start by giving a few shoutouts. First to DMC for coming all the way out from Chiba to visit me at Bassanova. Next to teamEggers for visiting me at Ivan's last month. That shout out was long overdue. Last to Ian Daly over at the NY Times for mentioning me in his article about the Ramen Robots (see bottom of page 3). And if I forgot to give a shoutout to anyone else who came to visit, holla at me!
Today I was in the mood for some Chinese food (or should I say Chinese-influenced Japanese food). My sister told me about this small restaurant located in the Honancho shotengai called Ereka (恵礼香). She said that the owner trained in China and that this shop has been around for a very, very long time. And as you can tell from the pic below, she wasn't kidding.
I ordered the Tanmen. The reason I said Chinese-influenced Japanese food above is basically because this is still Japanese ramen with a Chinese stir-fry plopped on top. These types of ramen are also common in the States. Not sure why though. Anyway, this Tanmen was great! It was a nice change from what I've been eating lately.
The gyoza were fat and delicious as well. When I first saw a sign that said EREKA on the wall, I thought that they had misspelled Eureka. Haha, my bad!
I know in my last post I said "next post," but what I really meant to say is next next post. So since this post is already the "next post" from my last post, the next next post will be the next post from this post.
Your posts are always educational Keizo! Is Nagasaki Champon somewhat related to Tanmen?