
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

Monday, March 8, 2010

Feeling the burn...

Day 125:

It's almost Spring and the Sakura are on the verge of blooming. Hanami season is fast approaching and I can't wait!

On a heavier note, today was a very scary day. My coworker left the grease trap open without telling me and as I was carrying a hot tupper of chicken oil, I tripped on the cover and slipped. As I braced myself for the fall the oil splashed up and covered half my face. During the melee I also managed to bang my head into the shutters of the rear kitchen. Fearing that my face would melt and I'd become the phantom of the ramen, I had enough sense to set the rest of the chicken oil down and ran straight for the sink to duck my head in cold water. Luckily, the burn wasn't that serious and it didn't get in my eye. Seriously, I was very lucky. I spent an hour holding a cold wet towel to my face, hoping that it wouldn't blister and scar. Thankfully, it worked. But damn, that was scary.


  1. I worked in my parents take out a long time ago and had hot oil burn my hand. My dad quickly put some type of burn lotion on it. I agree, do not panic, think quick and react.

  2. I'm just glad to hear you're okay.

  3. @ashley: haha. it's just part of the job i guess.

    @WSP: yes I was very fortunate.

    @Chris: me too! that was definitely a close call. for a second i thought my face was melting.

  4. The kitchen is not a safe place. Glad you're OK dude!


  5. Hi Keizo,

    I'm so sorry to hear about the accident! Hope you're doing OK.
