
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Leaving Ivan Ramen...

Day 129:

As of this Sunday, I will no longer be living the dream at Ivan Ramen. Another opportunity has surfaced and I have decided to live it elsewhere. It wasn't an easy decision, but there is no doubt in my mind that it was the right one. But rather than tell you where I am going, I'd like to take this time to thank Ivan for giving me this opportunity in the first place and to his staff for teaching me the invaluable lessons of running a ramen shop in Tokyo. I truly am thankful for all that you guys have done for me.

The picture below was taken awhile back (my second week in Tokyo), but it consists of everyone I met here at Ivan Ramen who taught me a little something beneficial to the craft. I will never forget them wherever this dream leads and I hope they'll never forget me. 山本さん、名古屋で会いましょう!

But mostly, I need to thank these guys below. You may remember Kimura-san (far left) from before and his integral part of bringing me up to speed, but Kurai-san, Matsumoto-san (far right) and I have been running the show for the past two and a half months with extreme efficiency. These dudes basically taught me everything. Kurai-san has especially been the most influential. We take the same train home every night and I feel like he has not only been a great friend, but also like an older brother. He listens and gives me guidance every night and a lot of it helped with making this decision. Kurai-san has dreams of opening his own ramen shop someday and you can be sure I will do anything to help him. I would even go as far as putting my dream on hold to make sure he realizes his dream. If anything, I will miss our train rides home the most.

Anyway, thank you Ivan Ramen! I will never forget the memories we made along the way. Good luck with opening the new shop this summer!


  1. Looking forward to reading about your continued success... and ADVENTURE!

  2. It's always great to see someone's dream keep going.
    I wish u don't forget to share and explain ur experience.

    Good luck in ur next step.
