
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

Friday, March 25, 2011

La Bastille...

Day 507:

Today we were invited to spend the morning with some students at a nearby school in Grenoble. We talked about Japan, shared stories, and my girlfriend even read some of her poems. They were all so happy to see us and we were overwhelmed by their thoughts and prayers. To see so many people who are thousands of miles away still care so much about the tragedies in Japan was amazing and very heartwarming.

Afterwards, we toured the city of Grenoble.

And hopped on the cable car leading to the Bastille.

Look mom, I'm flying!

The view from up here was astonishing.

And "the keep" was intimidating.

As explained to me by my friend, "this is the Château d'If of Grenoble."

The view overlooking the city of Grenoble with the Chartreuse mountains in the distance.

I wanted to venture up the mountain some more, but we didn't have much time.

So onto the city we went.

It's still hard to believe I'm in France, but these scenes definitely tell me I'm in Europe. It feels great.

A Sator Square!

Break time!

Thank you JMarc!

French sushi!

My favorite snacks.

bon appétit...


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog about ramen but now you have taken it to another level by showing us France as well. :) I'm glad that you got out of there until things improve. Your life always seems so bustling and alive as I sit here at my desk at work dreaming of being some place far away. Thanks for showing me all the neat sights outside my office building.

  2. Those mountains do not look yellowish-green to me. ;=))
